Bingung. Pulsa Abis. Besok ulangan Ilsos. Besok ulangan Plkj.
eh tapi aku seneng pulsanya abis. berarti ga bisa nge sms! bagussss!
Senin, Mei 18, 2009
hari ini
Diposting oleh rarariru di 02.54 0 komentar
Minggu, Mei 17, 2009
kemarin, hari ini
kemaren aku ke ulang tahun Astrid, di fX, seru.
Sampe rumah jam 12 an lebih. Tapi baru tidur jam setengah tiga.
Nah hari ini kan Minggu.
Aku baru bangun jam 12 hehe..
Terus sampa sekarang ini, jam 8, masih belom blajar!
padahal besok ujian sekolah
mood nya lagi pengen nyanyi malice mizer nih hahaha
ah dasar semut penguntil pengen ditendang!
*tuh kan saya jahat lagi*
Diposting oleh rarariru di 05.56 0 komentar
things on my bedroom
Tempat tidurku penuh! banyak barangnya. sering ngeberesin sih. tapi lebih sering lagi barangnya memunculkan diri di tempat tidur. sizenya queen, jadi karna sendiri aku tidur di pinggir, sisanya barang semua haha. coba aku list.
sekarang barang yang ada di tempat tidur ku;
1. sprei (pasti)
2. bantal 2
3. Guling 3
4. bed cover
5. hape
6. remote ac
7. tempat pencil
8. kertas karton
9. bedak johnson & johnson
10. tissue tessa
11. eskulin kids hand sanitizer
12. kunciran biru
13. bawang putih (beneran sumpah, pk diledekin papa "buat ngusir drakula ya?")
14. tusukan buat rambut yang item (gtau namanya)
15. bolpen dong a ole ole (tulisannya gitu)
16. kertas bekas angket karya ilmiah
17. kertas dari four season hotel
18. penggaris cetakan bentuk bulet & oval
19. dompet
20. tas pergi 2
21. balon balsem lang -dikit dikit jangan minum obat
22. cardigan
23. scarf
24. topi kecil (yang kaya penyanyi visual kei)
25. baju gothicloli (ini ngapain ada di sini)
26. sebuah gumpalan tissue
27. pensil stabilo
28. sakura pen 03
29. sakura pen 005
30. sakura brush
31. saya
ditambah lagi kadang ada leptop sama meja lipet berbi yang udah dari kelas dua sd.
Diposting oleh rarariru di 05.39 0 komentar
yaampun ini blognya layout sama isinya ga nyambung. haha.
pengen ganti atapi ga sempet, lagian bingung juga. males
Diposting oleh rarariru di 05.38 0 komentar
Apakah kita masih teman?-kalau saya bilang tidak, anda jawab apa?
Diposting oleh rarariru di 05.34 0 komentar
rara:duh deg deg an nih!
temen: iya nih!
rara: tapi kalo ga deg deg an nanti kita ga idup!
temen: ee.. oiya ya? ha ha?
-dialog stiap mau masuk ruang ujian praktek
Diposting oleh rarariru di 05.29 0 komentar
What If my boyfriend fell in love with someone else... He would be able to cheat on me if his lover is a handsome man!-a fujoshi on some random show
Diposting oleh rarariru di 05.20 0 komentar
Sabtu, Mei 09, 2009
taihen da!
i am in ... danger? or you could say so!
im soo scared of the so called 'semut penguntil' (made up name)
not everyone with glasses is good
not everyone without glasses is good
Friends, you should now right? right? right?
even gackt in his soo not sunglasses is 5 million times better
and takaguchi yukihiro is 10 million times better!
but the problem doesnt have any relation with glasses!
i need help
theres only one thing that could help
but im sure it wont come right in this short period of time, right now.
i cant do anything
all i can do is shut my mouth
pretend i cant see, only open my mouth to say a lie
I hate myself
bcause i worried about everyone else's feeling.
aaggggh life in 2D seems better.
but then i'd become an extreme otaku? big O-no!
and it dont have any relation with the main probs.
Diposting oleh rarariru di 11.09 0 komentar
...hmmm... do now.
thanks to haruma miura, i end up completing his shirt's sentence
my mom told me not to sleep in late at night.
then its okay if its early in the morning right?
but tomorrow i need to practice to make soto padang for practical exam
I still want to read manga
I do still want to write in this blog
maybe I'll come up with something later
and write it here after practical exam week
okay! yay!
I'll come up with my bishies and ikemen list!
Diposting oleh rarariru di 11.02 0 komentar
my fetish for: MALICE MIZER
Its a very shocking fact for me, that I come to like a band who dress like they did.
It comes in the middle of the first semester in my third year of junior high, where every students have to make the so called Karya Ilmiah. And i start wonderin "what should I come up to?" and remembered that they will always be an annual japanese festival in Jakarta (anywhere and any university, and actually in the end of 2008 fortunately theres a celebration of Ind-Jap 50th friendship aniversary) and there, i came up with the idea of writing about Cosplay.
I started googling and such, and wiki tell that this malice mizer band is one of the popular artist who every cosplayer most look up to for cosplaying. My fangirlinstinct came and start to find some pics of them for my KI. And I was shocked! and thought, "what a weird costume!"
untill then when I search them up on youtube. The first vid I saw of them was Gekka no Yasoukyoku. The first time watching sucha weird vid, people on tree, people playing human puppets, a pirates, people turn into sand, etc.vbut then the song stuck on my head for days and I cant get over it, it makes me more and more curious. the song just caught me.
I start to learn about them. you could find them here. And my fav is the Gackt era, with french pop song type. But tetsu and klaha era are also very good. Despite of their not so normal costumes (well I think thats okay and soo fun) their song are sooo goood. Not like the others, for ex. in others' album I only like one/two particular song (even in Arashi's album). But for malice mizer's song it was also a huge shock to me that I came to like most of da song that I heard.
He is the founder and one of the best crossdresser for Visual Kei band. The one who popularize gothic lolita clothing, though it already exist long time before. He owned Moi meme moitie label clothing.
Never smile and never speak, but once slipped, lol
Founder of Malice mizer, with Mana. I just realize that he's cool and adorable. His songs are great and upbeat (the one like illuminati, je te veux and gekka) For me he's the skinny and older type of Miura Haruma >< theyre not same at all haha
Yu~ki (Bass)
The shy one and barely talk. Have the cool aura on stage hehe :D
I saw him once wthout make up and... he's actually, well, *cough* u could say handsome! go mr. dracula!
Kami (drum, percussion)
My fav one! First impression was "He looks like nita thalia the dangdut singer!" rofl
He's cool with his drums, cute, funny, sexy, handsome and so on. He kinda reminds me of myself used to be; like his long flowing hair, i used to have it too, then he cut it shoulder length, me too, he has butterfly fetish, so do I.
But unfortunately, subarachnoid hemorrhage killed him when he was asleep, back in 1999. he had died. What a sad fact. And Its too late to have a crazy over him thingy now. Malice mizer made an album in memory of him. Gackt also write the song U+K for him (stands for Kamimura Ukyou, his real name) which the song is fun and I really like it. Rest in peace, yo!
Gaz (ex drummer)
I know nothing about him. No one talk about him. He's the first drummer of malice mizer. Then he quit and join a band called kneuklid roamnce, in return kneuklid romance's drummer, kami join malice mizer.
a split of fate!
tetsu (ex vocal)
I like his singing style. But I keep laughing whenever I heard the song Baroque (but I like it very much) I also like his version of Ma Cherie. He said "are you missing me" clearly not like gackt and klaha who sounds like "are you miisyumii" haha!
Gackt C. (ex vocal)
So cool and handsome. The most successful one with his solo career. He's so popular now. I like his crossed-short hairstyle. back in his era, his body is so small and slim and now he's got that muscular one. he really is over 469 years old :D
Klaha (vocal)
He's handsome and his voice is a wow. I was shocked when I hear it. Wow. its a wow! it get the aristocrat feeling
They're currently on hiatus since 2001. Each member start their own solo project since then.
My favorite Malice Mizers song;
most of the song I listen to is Gackt's era. Coz the others are hard to find :x
my fav is ma cherie, je te veux, illuminati, brise, madrigal, nps ngs, au revoir, baroque, beast of blood, apres midi, gekka no yasoukyoku, Uruwashiki kamen no shoutaijo, claire, and so on!
They are sure, once you see and heard, you'd never forget.
even me who said 'its impossible for me to like them' in the first place
Diposting oleh rarariru di 07.20 0 komentar
Sabtu, Mei 02, 2009
I want it badly
Graphic Tablet!
My dad used to have onebefore we move to my current house, and now we have no idea where it is. One day I went to computer shop to ask, and the price is just too expensive for me to buy it. haha
But it seems so cool to draw in that.. I should blame those video on youtube that told me how to draw manga with computer! T__T
And I also want Deleter ComicWorks software too! Where I can draw and erase freely, not making my bedroom even dirtier than it is now.
I wonder do they sell it in Poin Square, gotta check it then
Diposting oleh rarariru di 21.23 0 komentar
Jumat, Mei 01, 2009
Recommendation for every healthy teenage otaku who likes to read comedy type comics
It's a recommendation from me! I found this story too hilarious and I'm wanting more but the scanlator havent update it in awhile.
Title: Mousou Shoujo otakukei / Fujoshi Rumi
Takahiro Abe is an ordinary, well-adjusted, proper young man. In his freshman year in High School, who fell in love with Rumi Asai, an anything but ordinary, Yaoi* Moe Otaku girl, (A hardcore fan of Yaoi mangas and anime). Rumi is utterly convinced Takahiro and Shunsuke Chiba, Abe's best friend from middle school are in love with each other and is letting her Fujoshi (term for a Yaoi fan girl) Fantasies run wild!
^ > summary from mangafox
*you know it right? the boy's love kinda story. yaoi; an acronym in term of a story with no climax, now it refers to boy's love.
I like matsunxchiba pairing! and not so long ago i found out there's a short movie about this manga. UH OH! I wonder where I could watch it, its nowhere to be found, i could only watch the summary on utube ><
and when in the manga, matsun (yoko) supposed to be a g, in the movie i think she only an a/b. lol
Diposting oleh rarariru di 06.14 0 komentar
It's OVER, I'll say YEAH!
There's nothing like the 'Final Exam' aura at all!
Sebelum UAN kan semua orang pada ribut, yang mau belajar lah, yang nanya guru lah, dsb.
And I didnt do that
I keep reading comics untill right before the exam
and... yeah... Right back then, before the exam i creep out!
karena buku-buku soal yang dibeliin belum kukerjain, malah 3 hari sebelum UAN bukunya masih di dalem plastik, ditaro di lemari hahahaha
Akhirnya, yah menurutku matemeatika nya ga susah
pas keluar dari ruang ujian, temen2 yang lain udah mulai ngebahas soalnya.
Trus, Astrid ngeluarin kertas coret-coretannya, yg udh ada jawaban yang dia kerjain.
dan aku baru nyadar
SALAH SATU SOAL hoooaaaaaah langsung merinding2 haha
IPA juga aku ada yang salah. Harusnya muai nya lebih besar. Ya Allah, semoga jawabannya tripsin (karna aku paling males belajar fisika biologi) hehe >.~
Setelah UAN, tadi ada praktek bahasa indonesia.
Kita disuruh buat karangan tapi fakta. Pagi2nya ada isu, katanya tema karangannya berita terkini. Sedangkan aku jarang nonton tv.
Di sebagian tempat, ada yang asyik ngobrol (sambil nunggu bel), ada yang main capsa, ada yang sibuk baca flu babi di koran sambil ngafal2in (sasha krudung, oriza dan saya).
Ternyata pas di tes bukan berita terkini. hahahahaha
Ada pilihan2nya gitu, aku pilih yang Pentingnya Teknologi Informasi bagi pelajar.
Trus tulisannya di gede2in biar makan tempat (ga gt juga sih, tulisanku emang gede)
Pulangnya mampir ke PIM sama Sabrina (babrin), Gia, Aya, Audy, Lidya, Astrid
makan, terus ke rumah babrin dan pulang.
Trus di rumah baca nguping jakarta.
lagi gak mood baca komik haha
Diposting oleh rarariru di 05.10 0 komentar